This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game written in Angular 2. You can find the source code here

Root Component

The project is again generated by angular-cli. I did not include routing in the app. There is only a root component and an HTML & CSS file for it. I also did not touch index.html


Let’s have a look at our component, navigate to src/app/app.component.ts.

We have predefined some of our data and also we have this constructor:


Normally you wouldn’t call a function in Angular1 with a this statement, but in Angular 2 you gotta add this keyword otherwise you will get an error.

boxClick() function

Then we have this boxClick() function, that takes a parameter with type number. Whenever the user clicks on a box, this function will be triggered. The parameter number represents the grid number actually, can be between 0 and 9.

  • First, we update our empty boxes, removing the current one, line 28

  • Secondly, we check if the current box is already marked as either X or O, line 29

    • If not, we mark the box with the player’s choice either X or O, line 32

    • Then, we check if we have 3 marks as a straight or side by side, according to the game’s rule, line 34

      • If so, we increase the score and reset the game then return
      • Else, we toggle the current turn
    • We also check if the game is a draw line 44

      • If so, we reset and alert the user
  • Else if the box is marked, we alert the user line 49

aiClick() function

line 53 this function puts a mark to a randomly selected empty box, similar to the boxClick() function, - it redefines the empty boxes

  • puts the Ai’s mark to the selected box as either X or O
  • Checks if Ai’s won the game and resets if so
  • Checks the game status if it’s a draw

processTheMove() function

As the name stands, we process either the player’s or the Ai’s move and check the result here

If you look at line 15 we have a predefined array with some string elements. These elements represent the possible winning situations, for example, if either X or O stands in all of the 1 2 and 3, then that means X wins the game.

So we simply check for each possibility, if the marks at those grids are the same, then we alert a win situation.

The function has a parameter weapon representing either X or O. And if you look at line 88, if that grid’s mark is not the same as our weapon, we assign false to our boolean flag.

If our flag is not false, it simply means a win situation.